Once upon I time I had an impulse and that was to buy myself a pizza oven to do bread in. As all my friends know I am quite a bread-aholic and even though this oven purchase took several weeks of talking about it with my wife it was still a impulse buy and one that I am not yet sorry for.
Back in June 2002, I think, Laurie (my wife) got me a monthly magazine that was doing a special on "grilling", in it was a single picture of a "Medio oven by Mugnaini" and it simmered in the back of my head for months. Then I asked my wife to get me a Lamb Brochettes recipe that I remembered reading earlier and she said it was in the magazine with the oven, that made me look into a wood burning oven. As I started looking on the net, I found surpirisingly little on building and cooking with one of these but I found several manufacturers. For starters of course I looked at Mugnaini since that was in the article and also sent off e-mails to Renato and Earthstone (2 e-mails) but neither of them replied my e-mails. Too bad too since Renato is cheaper than Mugnaini and Earthstone is only 1 hour away from me and I have read quite a bit of good stuff about Earthstone. Muganini replied to my first e-mail on the same day and answered all my questions and I searched all over the web on Mugnaini ovens and found some good things ( 1 2 3 )and nothing bad about the ovens. Based on somewhat limited research it appears that Earthstone ovens are quite good but Mugnaini may be better, certainly the company was better with its communication. Those of you who know me, know I talk in e-mail and not telephone if I have a choice so if they didn't reply to my e-mail, I didn't want to deal with them. I also looked into building my own from Ovencrafters which was quite appealing but the Mugnaini ovens won out due to fear of failure since I have never built a masonry anything before.
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